
Come Preparare il Piatto Tradizionale Cinese di 韭菜炒河虾 (Stir-fried Leek with River Shrimp)?

Q: How can I ensure the shrimp are well-cooked but not overdone?
A: Fry until the shells are slightly crispy, then remove before adding other ingredients.

Q: Can I substitute the river shrimp with another type?
A: Yes, any small shrimp variety can work, but adjust cooking time accordingly.

Ricetta Tradizionale Cinese: Stir-fried Leek with River Shrimp


  • Leek (韭菜): 150g
  • Small river shrimp (小河虾): 300g
  • Ginger (姜): 15g
  • Chili pepper (辣椒): to taste
  • Sugar (白糖): half a spoon
  • Vinegar (醋): a few drops
  • Cooking wine (料酒): 1 spoon
  • Soy sauce (生抽): 1 spoon
  • Salt: to taste
  1. Rinse the river shrimp thoroughly and drain. Fresh shrimp is preferred for better taste.
  2. Clean and chop the leek into sections, slice the ginger, and cut the chili pepper into slanted slices. Use non-spicy red pepper if preferred.
  3. Heat a generous amount of oil and fry the shrimp until the shells are slightly crispy. Remove and set aside.
  4. In the same pan, fry ginger and chili pepper in cold oil until fragrant.
  5. Add shrimp back into the pan. Season with cooking wine, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, and salt.
  6. Add the leek sections and stir-fry quickly. Do not overcook to avoid leek releasing water.
  7. Serve immediately.
Informazioni Nutrizionali:
  • Alto contenuto di proteine e minerali dai gamberetti.
  • Fonte di vitamine dal peperoncino e dall'erba cipollina.
  • Basso contenuto di grassi e calorie, ideale per una dieta equilibrata.

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